"I live by faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me." Galations 2:20

Monday, March 5, 2012

Finally made another video

Well, I put together a video of Henry after his first 6 weeks and at that point figured I would probably make a new video every 3 months or so. I didn't start the next one until 6 months, then it was 8 months and I was still working on it, then I just went back and found it almost completed. We'll call it a video of the first 9 months or so..  These are the same, just one from blogger and one from youtube in case some computers are picky.


  1. So cute!! Amazing how quickly this year has gone....so glad you have these cute movies to document!!! Thank you, God....for sweet Henry!!

  2. That's so great! What program do you use to make those? It's way better than mine :) I struggle with coming up with the music.
